Just need to paint up the gunners, apply decals, some washing and weathering and hopefully they'll be ready for war come this friday night :)
Was in painting limbo until last Friday night. Started after I had completed painting my 2k points angels sanguine for the Ghemehaal campaign in September. Took a break for a while. Then had this over-whelming desire to paint but just didn't know what to paint. Worse was i couldn't find inspiration to paint anything.
Painted a test model emperor's children. Project for next year.
Painted the ancient stegadon. Lost interest.
Painted a DIY marine chapter. Lost interest.
Bought a dark eldar reaver and just completed one rider. Started on his bike but lost interest.
That was until Yip showed up at hobby night with his FOW US paratroopers company box set :)
Saturday morning, ransacked my hobby room to find these guys. In a forgotten box, in a very dark corner.
These are my US para models done in 2007. Wow...that's nearly 4 years ago....
They were my very first FOW infantry unit and i was new to the hobby :) Ugly bases huh...
Well, its Oct 2011 now. I've been in the hobby for some time now. A little bit wiser and learnt some skills along the way.
Had some spare models and ...
I give you Easy Company of the 101st Airborne Division, the Screaming Eagles. This is the test model for the command squad led by none other than the legendary Lt Spears.
Yip - check out those unit patches on the left shoulders hehe.
Had so much fun painting these models!! Now i need to do a major de-base and paint removal project and start getting the 1st platoon done. Thanks again Yip. Hope this encourages you to paint up your paras :)
Let's set the military exercise date for end December...let's make it 6th January Hobby night :)
Curahhee !!!