Ja Hans.
Our scouts have detected vat they believe to be a british force 10 klicks from our position.
Ja! They vere singing a red devils song vhile having tea and crumpets. Must be a force from Man United.
Man United!! Ja....i hate zat team. Alert all officers. Have them meet me now. Ve vill kill eveyone of these red devils while they are having their tea.
Heil Hitler!!!
Heil Hitler!!!!!!
It's been a while since i played FOW. In all honesty, i had already quit the game due to lack of interest and the fact that i was enjoying 40k so much. So it came as a rather nice surprise that Azlan invited me t0 have a game with him this friday hobby night.
After searching high and low then dusting everything off, this is what's left of my once proud panzergrenadier army that's fully painted. As is normal there are still some left in blisters and boxes waiting for their turn to be painted.
This was my very first FOW model. First for most too i would reckon. It is a Tiger after all.
I started FOW during mid-war hence the desert color scheme.
Not bad for first try me thinks.
Later war 3 green scheme.
My second Tiger. Not completed. Interest died down. I'll try to finish it now.
Panther D.
First panther. The other 2 still in all black prime scheme :)
Recon vehicle Sd Kfz 231 (8-Rad) in mid war 2 color european scheme. These are very nice models.
Lets hope i can do them justice at this week's Hobby Night against Azlan's British company.
Glory to the Third Reich !!!!