We completed week 2 of the campaign last friday night and let me just say that it was a most awesome hobby night!!!
I won't go into much details because there's a much better way of doing it ;)
It will be something like this :)
You guys will not want to miss the next installment!!! Jeff has really raised the bar for this campaign and i'm glad to be sharing in the experience.
Thanks dude. You really are a rock star!!!
Speaking of experience, hobby night was again another blast. Beside continuing with the campaign we also had a visitor from Singapore, Nicholas. He's planning some really cool stuff for the hobby scene there and we look forward to supporting and taking part in your events :)
Thanks for coming and checking us out man!!
We also had Hong Yip and his friend Conteng (is this the right spelling dude...). Conteng isn't a gamer yet but we hope to change that soon!!!
Yip brought his spanking brand new still in plastic FOW US Paratroopers company box set. Dude....thanks!! You're a real inspiration!! I know what i'll be painting for the next few months now. Look out for the next post coz it'll be in dedication to you man!!!
Alvin made a welcome appearance :). Well....unwelcome since he played for the chaos forces ... hahaha Just kidding bro. Hope to see you as a regular again ;)
I'll leave you guys with this pic :)
Won't comment much but i hope i don't make a real jack-fruit of myself :P
Good fun again!!! Can't wait for next hobby night!!!
Have a good week everyone !!!
Showcase: Horus Ascended
The Warmaster ascended. Witness the culmination of countless hours of
labour as I unveil my meticulously painted Horus Ascended. The Primarch of
the fall...
Holy spoiler post lol- glad you had a great time. The campaign is mighty cool!