I'm starting a Silver Skulls 1500 points army and setting myself a time frame of 10 weeks to complete it. This project actually started last Monday. My list will be :
HQ : Prognosticator (Chaplain in terminator armor)
Troops : Tactical squad A (10 men)
Drop pod A
Tactical squad B (10 men)
Drop pod B
Elites : Assault terminators (6 men)
Fast Attack : Land speeder squadron (2)
Heavy Support : Devastator squad (10 men)
Land raider Crusader
37 infantry models and 5 vehicles (42 in total) in 10 weeks should be doable :) Let's see.
I decided to paint the first drop pod last week since i've never painted one before. And yes...it is the very same drop pod that i won from the Gameforge event hehe. I forgot to take daily progress pictures but i'll do that for next week. In the meantime, this is the my humble take on a Silver Skulls drop pod.
I've decided to build the 4th company and have green as the company color thus avoiding my unconscious preference for red :)
Nothing to shout about but one drop pod is completed and we're on schedule :)
Next up is a landspeeder....another model i've never built. Progress pics tomorrow.