I was invited to the forgemaster's lair today for some food, fun, fluff and talks.
And what a great time i had :)!!!
We kicked off with some hard assed space marine kill team action. I have not played a video game in ages so getting the chance to play a blood angels librarian was SWEET!!!!. Don't even get me started on Jeff's techmarine meltagun...the sound effect for that gun is simply awesome!!
This is how most of the game went...
I am definitely getting an xbox soon so i can get this game and get ready for the september release of the space marine game....drooollllll...
Play online as an angels sanguine assault marine...ohhh crap, i've models to paint for the ghemehaal campaign :(
After clearing the hulk of orks infestation, the forgemaster fired up his grill and cooked burgers for us. I can't describe how good a freshly cooked grilled burger tastes like. It is crazy delicious!! Get yourself invited then you'll know.
Our bellies full, we headed upstairs for some wholesome hobby talk. I am so envious of what this guy has set up for his hobby room. It is like hobby heaven in there :)
Jeff even managed to design the ultra cool new banner for my blog.
Thanks Jeff!! U d man!!!
Lots of hobby stuff talk. Things we want to do for the campaign, things we wanted to do for ourselves, things we wanted to do for Legio Malaysia. It was real fun. And i learned a lot.
My most sincere thanks again to Jeff for having me over. And his lovely wife Lina for letting us get some bros time.
Can't wait for next time :)
And i even managed to get some work done on chapter master sentikan.
Not the most inspired of build i know but i don't want to complicate things at this stage of preparing for the campaign. So which head should i use??
Showcase: Horus Ascended
The Warmaster ascended. Witness the culmination of countless hours of
labour as I unveil my meticulously painted Horus Ascended. The Primarch of
the fall...