Cue James Bond tune. The name's Bond.....
I think i may have started a trend here when i built my Saim-Hann list in secrecy. Even my brother didn't see the army until it was all completed. Well, i did leak out the fact that i was starting a new eldar army but not the actual craftworld. Now why did i do that? I'm not really sure but perhaps i just wanted to surprise everyone with my new paint scheme. And surprise them i did!!! The red and black striped Saim-Hann colors came out quite nice.
Unfortunately, the grand unveiling worked so well that there's now a couple of armies being developed in total secrecy. I know of at least 3 which i've been sworn not to tell on pain of being doomed. Good luck to you guys. I hope you experience the same level of personal satisfaction as when i first laid out my fully completed 1750 Saim-Hann at hobby night.
The bad thing about building in secrecy is that you have practically robbed yourself of materials to write about. Which leaves you having to think of unrelated things to rant about. This post is prime example. So expect to read about things besides the my 2nd 40K army in the coming months.
So who among you has a secret project on your tables???
Showcase: Horus Ascended
The Warmaster ascended. Witness the culmination of countless hours of
labour as I unveil my meticulously painted Horus Ascended. The Primarch of
the fall...